Thursday, August 6, 2009

Orphaned Again

I am going to be an orphan again for a couple of days. My peeps are going on a cruise. I know they love me but why oh why do they have to leave me so soon. I wish I weren't such a nervous nellie as I would be going on trips with them but that is not to be. I guess I'll guard the estate. If I get really lonely or scared as I don't like thunderstorms, I'll go to my first peep's house. The lady person Mona loves me too and she worries almost a much as my current lady. I tried laying on her clothes and looking pathetic but it did'nt work. Just heard a story on tv about a fellow feline. This kitty climbed into a box springs and got loaded on a moving truck and put in storage for 2 weeks. Wow I'm glad that wasn't me. The cat is alright but what a trip that must have been. MEOW MEOW MEOW

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